Cardinal Home Care Product Estimated Shipping Rates

* Most orders placed before 10:00 E.S.T. are shipped the same business day(Monday-Friday).

* Most items are shipped ground and arrive within 3-5 business days.

* Some items are shipped directly from the manufacturer and may take 7-14 business days to arrive.

* To estimate the shipping charges, please use the following table as a guide.

Order Cost Ground Shipping Charge*

$1.00-$19.99                 $9.65

$20.00-$29.99              $11.75

$30.00-$49.99              $12.75

$50.00-$69.99              $14.75

$70.00-$99.99              $15.75

$100.00-$149.99         $18.75

$150.00-$224.99         $24.75

$225.00-$324.99         $26.75

$325.00-$499.99         $30.75

$500.00 +         Contact for Estimate

*excludes some items due to size and weight of product, please use only as a guide.

You will be notified if amount is greater than that posted above.